Rabu, 17 November 2010

ever ever ever

"I remember what you wore on the first day. You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something" 'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away And now I'm left with nothing"

Ahh ketemu Blog! Hai! Hahaha. Boleh ya corat coret dsni? Boleh? Okay:) hahaha.

Gapenting sih tp baelah.
sedikit saya mau ceritain pacar,mysoul,istri,jiwa,hati saya . Hahaha naoon deui.

Yah intinya saya mau ceritain si someone that i really loved! Nobody happens:-).
si galing,si peot, penyabar tp goreng adat tp bisa hadepin saya yg keras kepala ini:). Tiap hari tiap waktu pasti ada buat saya. rela,sabar lakuin apa aja buat saya. Tp apa balesan sy buat dia? ngduain(tp sy pny alesan jelas buat yg satu ini),cuek,bkin nangis. Tp untng sy gapernah kasar sm dia. emang bner gaboleh d kasarin. My middle finger for the girls who attacking the boys . Berani ke cewe euy.
At this notes i swear, i never hurt you anymore my husband:) i swear
for our 6 month relationship. hope we can together till my foots cannot step at this ground anymore:).

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